Manchvegas T-Shirts and Manchvegas Shirts

Manchvegas Shirts and T-Shirts for Men

Manchvegas Shirts and T-Shirts for Women

Manchester is Known as Manchvegas!

Generally speaking, gambling is against the law in New Hampshire. That is, of course, unless you are in Manchvegas Baby! In New Hampshire as long as they are the ones controlling the gambling, the government operates the state lottery, as well as four racetracks. The government doesn’t like competition, after all.
One exception is nonprofits, which are eligible to apply for a games-of-chance license from the state attorney general’s office. Now we all know poker is not a game of chance, however the special licenses give charities the opportunity to operate up to 10 gambling events — from Texas Hold’em tournaments to casino games such as roulette to cow pie bingo — per year under the stipulation that they be used solely as fundraisers for the group. Sharky's Poker Room in Manchvegas benefits from state law. State law further stipulates that only bonafide members of the charity can conduct the games of chance and that the operators receive no compensation. Just the other day I saw one of the directors pull up in a really large black Mercedes (shocker.) Additionally, the state stipulates that the maximum bet can’t be more than $2 per wager if they’re using real money. Cash games in Texas Hold'em are a wopping 2-2 Limit. Sharky's has the best "No Fold'em Hold'em" game in town. Applications to hold Texas Hold’em tournaments “really exploded” around the first of the year, said Audrey Blodgett, a paralegal with the Charitable Trust Unit of the New Hampshire Department of Justice. Since the beginning of the year, she noted, her office has received 119 applications for games-of-chance licenses, with the majority being those for poker tournaments. Poker Tournaments a game of chance! Haha, she is probably a fish or donkey for that matter. Anyway, among the applicants were 16 Manchvegas organizations. Manchester, New Hampshire received it's name from illegal slot machines that could be found in bars. New Hampshire is known for legal poker tournaments filled with "wannabee" pros who just end up donking off all their chips on miracle missed gut buster draws and over valuing top pair. We're not saying there are no good players in Manchvegas, but most are pretty loose. Viva Manchvegas! Buy a shirt and play in a poker room and hope you don't run into a poker specialist!

Good luck!